Monday, May 16, 2005

Journalists Lie and People Die…

Someone at Newsweek must pay for this - 15 people died as a direct result of biased and inaccurate reporting. The image of the United States was further damaged by the inaccuracies of this story. This type of cheap journalism makes the government’s job of repairing the image of the country that much more difficult. It is time the press understands that with FREEDOM comes RESPONSIBILTY.


Anonymous said...

Remember though that the information in the story came from a Bush administration operative.

And the Pentagon even got to see the story before publication with the ability to kill the story.

Don't blame the messenger.

Robert said...

Please! The only thing we have to go on is the word of the asshole who wrote the story! I don't know if there was ever any 'Bush adminidtratoin operative' involved.

As for the Pentagon reviewing the story...well...who knows what happened there. I doubt that they could have 'killed' the story; only if there was secret information in the story.

Ken Grandlund said...

I expect you hold the same ire and disdain for the false information and misstated-unsupportable facts laid out by this administration that led us into war in Iraq. (Yes- I believed it too, as did many in the world- but the informatin was false, as we are learning more and more.) The administrations lies have killed far more people, and Americans at that, than this Newsweek error.

Robert said...


I understand the concern that all Americans share about the quality of the intell leading upto the Iraq War, but there is a substantial difference, in my view, between the issue of bad intell and bias in the press. The President and the members of the administratoin are held accountable to the voters and to Congress. If mistakes are made there is a system in place to correct them. It is called 'voting them out of office.' The government makes decissions on our behalf because that is what we hired them to do. Any mistakes leading to the Iraq War were made with the sincere intention of protecting Americans.

What recourse, aside from not buying the magazine, does the public have when Newsweek publishes a story like this? Newsweek seems to have no reguard for the consequences of their actions and certainly no interested in protecting anything American. Their sole motivation is to smear the military, the government and the country. I can forgive an honest mistake but I have a real problem with systemic anti-American bias in the MSM.

Perhaps I am niave in my view...

Thanks for your comments.