Friday, December 10, 2004

Crime in the UK

Sometimes our British cousins can’t understand why Americans are so infatuated with guns. They cannot believe that in a civilized society why anyone other than the police would ever need one. Americans, of course, can’t understand the British position (at least Red state Americans, Blue staters think like the Brits). This story from the Belmont Club really put a spotlight on the issue. Everyone should be armed and then the criminals would think twice before breaking into a house. I would hate to live in the UK.


Robert said...

No, read the story.

Anonymous said...

wow...these people don't have spines? I'm hitting the intruder with anything I can get a hold of... I almost hit a guy in my front yard about 2 weeks ago, and he was just outside my house-not in it...(it was 13:30 am and he was right in front of the living room window...big bro....

Anonymous said...

12:30am...big bro

Jennifer said...

The article you recommend contains some specious waffle to the effect that Brits can't defend themselves in their own homes. Not true.

The chappie who ended up in prison did so because the jury thought he should not have shot the younger intruder in the back since he was presumably leaving the premises. I disagreed with that verdict, as did most of the Brit public.

If you look at the crime figures for US and UK, you'll find that we're (per capita) much safer than you are.

Of course, when things go wrong, like for the financier, it is a tragedy. But, had he had a gun, would he have answered the door to two apparent mailmen with the weapon in his hand? And would he have had time to use it?

I wonder.

Robert said...


Thanks for your comments. My answer to your last question is: That is what a holster is for.